“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
Child Care Provider Services
Child Care Resource and Referral
Provides technical assistance, trainings, and on-site visits to child care facilities to assist in improving the quality of their programs. Additional resources and education materials are available to teachers through the lending library.
Child Health
Provides training and technical assistance to providers and families regarding children's health issues with the Child Care Health Consultant.
Provides training, coaching, and technical assistance on the Center for the Social Emotional Foundations of Early Learning Teaching Pyramid. CSEFEL is a framework for promoting young children’s social and emotional competence and for preventing and addressing challenging behavior.
Real Men Read
Real Men Read volunteers visit participating preschool classrooms monthly. A selected book is read to the children, and each child takes home a book. As the volunteer reader visits the classroom and reads to the children, a dual purpose will be created- to promote the love of reading and provide positive male role modeling
Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits for Wilkes is a multi-faceted approach to help reduce childhood obesity in Wilkes County. Training, technical assistance, and education focusing on the issues related to early childhood obesity (specifically nutrition, physical activity, outdoor learning environments, and screen time) in child care settings and the community. This program implements Be Active Kids program, assisting families and child care providers with children birth to five by increasing their knowledge of best practices in the areas of health and nutrition. Through a Physical Activity and Nutrition grant funded by DHHS, the USDA Grow It, Try It, Like It curriculum will be delivered to child care providers and families. Both this Smart Start activity and the DHHS grant will collectively work to improve.
This is a funding collaboration between the Partnership and the Division of Child Development and Early Education that provides education-based salary supplements to teachers, directors, and child care providers working with children ages birth to five. The Partnership cap is $13 per hour.
Child Care Provider Education
Wilkes Child Care Resource and Referral Trainings Registration forms are required for all training.
No phone registrations will be accepted. Please be considerate and on time for all classes.
Quarterly calendars of upcoming trainings will be sent out to child care facilities. Registration may be done by filling out the registration form and turning in the appropriate payment to WCPC no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled training date. Phone or faxed registrations will not be accepted. The 24 hours prior to the scheduled training date procedure allows participants to register but does not guarantee that the class will be held.
Important Information About WCPC Trainings
Participants are encouraged to register early for classes. Trainings that do not have adequate registration 72 hrs prior to the scheduled training date will be canceled. A minimum of 5 participants is required for each class.
Training fees will be $2.50 per training hour. Any exceptions to fees will be noted on the training calendar. All money will be paid in exact change or by check payable to Wilkes Community Partnership for Children (WCPC). Debit/credit card payments can be taken over the phone by calling (336) 838-0977. The cost of individual trainings is noted on the training calendar. If a childcare provider does not give 24-hour notice when canceling registration for the training, the fee will be forfeited.
If a training is canceled for any reason (lack of participation, trainer illness, weather. etc.) WCPC will credit the participants with a voucher to use for another training event. A cash reimbursement option is not available.
WCPC expects that all training participants shall arrive on time. Class starts on time, and late entrance is not allowed. A ten-minute grace period is allowed. WCPC training participants will receive a certificate of completion for training. Participants should expect follow-up technical assistance visits with WCPC staff.
Children are not allowed to attend training in order to provide optimal training.
Wilkes Community Partnership for Children views the time of the instructor and all participants as valuable. Any participants talking, texting, sleeping, or any other distractions the instructor deems disruptive may be asked to leave the training. This will result in the loss of potential credit hours. The participant will not be allowed to register for future classes after the second incident.